Ukraine Missions Update 2/1/22

C. Suko

Thank you everyone who has reached out to ask us if we are staying or going and what the situation is in Ukraine. I'm sorry if I wasn't able to respond to all of you. Below is a brief summary of the situation as we see it.

1. The threat from Russia is real and a new development is Russian troops on the border of Ukraine in Belarus.

2. The US embassy has recommended US citizens to evacuate Ukraine but they can not force anyone to do so. This seems to me that they are being extra cautious as a result of what happened this past summer in Afghanistan.

3. Currently, nothing has happened in Ukraine, only on the it's borders with troop build ups in Russia on the East and North, in Belarus and in Crimea to the South.

4. We are staying in place for now and life and ministry are moving along with no change.

5. We will consider evacuating the city/region and perhaps the country if there is a significant threat here.

Here is an excellent geo-political analysis of the current situation:

So we continue serving in times like these and trust God for peace and protection!

Will you pray with us and for us?


Kevin & Tanya Van Horne